
Phenomenal Garden

As you all know, here at TMA we have a lovely garden. Here, in these few paragraphs I will be telling you all about it. First of all, we have a very unique touch and feel garden, it is in a corner at the edge of our garden, one particular plant people enjoy is the lambs ear, when you touch it, it is so soft and cuddly, just like a lambs ear! Our garden is great!

Next, I would like to talk about our beautiful butterfly garden. It is designed just for butterflies, it has plenty of milkweed for them to feast on, and so big comfy fence for them to lay cocoons. As you can see, it attracts many butterflies. On the backside of the fence it has wooden butterflies that are pink, purple and many other colors. You can find this at the right side in the back of the garden.

I have had many experiences at the garden. When I was in second grade, every Thursday I would get to play with our composting worms, whenever I came, I never used to touch any worms, but finally one week, I decided I have to face my fears, so I went up and picked one up, it felt a little slimy and soft, it was not so bad after all! Another time, one of the garden dad’s took us exploring around the garden, he would point something out, and we would have to say which plant it was by raising our hands. If we got the answer correct, we would get a Smartie. Me and my friend got five, we were rich in smarties!

Another great thing about the garden is Coinker, our piggy bank, if you donate a few cents or dollars, it goes to our garden master, who buys new supplies, so our garden is healthy. Some tools that our garden master buys are new gloves, shovels, water cans, and weeding tools. Coinker is a plump pink pig, and he can be found directly in the front left of the garden.

All of our classes in the garden are assigned to specific plants, this year, our class is growing strawberries, parsley, onions, and chives. Our strawberries came out very sweet, hopefully all of our plants will too.

I hope you come visit our phenomenal garden, and hopefully you learned a lot about too.

Shree Sriadibhatla Mrs. Hollingshead’s 5th Grade

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