
OC Organic Garden Blog


TMA Garden Receives Donation Worth More Than $5,000

Kellogg, one of our garden’s major sponsors, recently donated bags of gypsum, soil amendments and mulch. We’ll use these bags during our May and July garden workdays. This material will help prepare our soil for planting in the fall. Known as a premium garden soil, potting soil, mulch and fertilizer…


TMA Brownie Troop Paints Pictures to Decorate the Garden’s Cistern

By Kailie Aguilar, Student Blogger I am in second-grade Brownie Troop 1972. My troop painted pictures to decorate the water cistern in the TMA garden. Before we started painting, Mrs. Streichenberger called up a few girls to show an example of how to paint on the special paper. We took…


Future Eagle Scout Builds Bench for TMA Garden

George Pallete, a 15-year-old sophomore at Foothill High School, is currently a Life Scout (on his way to Eagle Scout) from Troop 36. He attended Tustin Memorial Academy for elementary school. George enjoyed his time at TMA, where he made lots of friends and had great teachers. He has many…

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