
Don’t Forget to Visit the Garden at Open House

Open House is next Wednesday, May 30. Come see what all the excitement is about in the TMA garden. All the children have been exploring the garden this year and can take you on a tour. Encourage your child to show you what they have learned and how proud they are of their garden. Ask them about some of the highlights like the water cistern, rain chains, compost bins, worm bins, native garden, etc.

New Volunteer Position
Looking for a great volunteer job that can be done completely from home? We’re looking for a new Garden Communicator who communicates with the GMs about the class weekly visits to the garden. A great job for someone who works full-time and is not able to be on campus much. If interested, please contact Joyce Howie.

Thanks a Bunch
A generous thank you goes out to HydroPoint Data Systems for kindly extending our irrigation controller subscription for another three years. As they stated, it’s their pleasure to be part of an educational center like TMA’s garden.

Also big thank you goes out to all the families and SLO Food OC and BEHR Paints volunteers that came out and helped give the garden a good sprucing up this past Sunday. A small but mighty crew did a ton of work.

The TMA Garden bids a fond farewell to the Hanning-Lee family. We thank you so much for your support and generosity over the years and wish you and your daughter the best as she moves onto sixth grade. We invite you back to the garden anytime to see its growth and progress, but especially to see the apple tree that will be planted in your honor.

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